Web email service automatically shows sender's address to combat fake messages
from Computer World
By Gregg Keizer
Computerworld, June 30, 2011 - Google this week added an anti-phishing feature to Gmail that automatically displays the sender's address for some messages.
The move is designed to help users spot suspicious messages that try to dupe people into divulging their Gmail log-in credentials or other personal information.
Starting Tuesday, Gmail began showing the sender's email address on all messages from people the recipient had either not sent mail to or were not in his contact list. Additionally, messages sent via a third-party firm -- such as an email marketing bulk mailer, which are often used by retailers to blast out deals -- now automatically display the sending address.
"If someone fakes a message from a sender that you trust, like your bank, you can more easily see that the message is not really from where it says it's from," said Google software engineer Ela Iwaszkiewicz in a post to the company's Gmail blog on Tuesday.
Previously, Gmail users could expose the sender's address by manually clicking on a "show details" link in the email service's interface... read more story at ComputerWorld.com